One of the questions we are asked most frequently has to do with domain name renewal. There are many spammers out there that will send messages by text, email, website forms, and even letters through the US Postal Service to try to get you to send money to renew your domain name or renew an online registration with a search engine.
Keeping up with security patches to website and server software and staying safe in an online world should be a top priority for everyone
07/10/2020 - 8:55am
Online security is becoming more and more crucial every day as more business and activity has moved online this year. Keeping up with security patches to website and server software and staying safe in an online world should be a top priority for everyone.
For many big companies their website is just a small part of a large marketing plan to get the word out for their product or service. TV commercials, billboards, and print media all work to promote the company. But if you're a small business without a large budget for marketing, how do you capitalize on your local market?
Does your website contain these essential elements?
11/24/2018 - 8:16pm
You're just getting started. You've got your business cards, your brand name, your page domain, and now your website is coming to life. But have you thought through how your website layout interacts with your viewers?